DahliaMccurry / 16th January 2015

Masturbation Not Sin

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Ellen White identified a host of diseases resulting from masturbation, which she called “secret vice.” It is now known that the very diseases she mentioned result from zinc deficiency, a problem associated with “secret vice.”

masturbation, is not directly mentioned in the Bible. Is it sin or not?, Tissot, Onan, Onanism, the uroboros, deeper definitions of immorality, purity and holiness, God intent for man’s sexual wholeness and fulfillment. Christian Psychiatrist Dr. John White comments on masturbation.

Question: “Masturbation – is it a sin according to the Bible?” Answer: The Bible does not mention masturbation or state whether or not masturbation is a sin. The passage most frequently associated with masturbation is the story of Onan in Genesis 38:9–10. Some interpret this passage to say that “spilling your seed” is a sin.

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Daniel, Good question to ask, and brave of you to ask it. The Bible doesn’t say much directly about masturbation. (Some people point to Genesis 38:9, but that’s not really about masturbation.)

Is masturbation a sin? Everyone knows in their hearts that masturbation is evil and a sin and against the natural law; What does the Bible Say about Masturbation?

An answer to the oft-asked question of if masturbation is a sin for believers in Christ Jesus, and what the scriptures teach concerning it. 1Cor 4:6 (Wey) .. in order to teach you by our example what those words mean, which say, …

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Masturbation is not a sin, and neither are ‘lustful thoughts’. Most christians misinterpret Matthew 5:28.

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A frank look at masturbation and why it should not be condemned out of hand.

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Istimna. Scholars of Sunni Islam generally do not approve of masturbation, except in extenuating circumstances. They encourage Muslims to fast to reduce sexual desire if they cannot marry. Yet if one’s desire is so overwhelming one might perform masturbation but in that case it will be like eating the flesh of a pig to survive from …

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The Bible does not directly come out and say “Masturbation is a sin”. Where is my evidence? What are the principles I draw on to say masturbation is a sin?

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